My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Kissing Summer Goodbye...

Summer came and went...Ok, so after I wipe my tears, let's take a look back...

I started this blog in May (technically before summer, but close enough.) It has been a lot of fun, I have met some really cool people along the way. Jill from Twipply Skwood, if you haven't checked out her site -- you need too. Her site is one of the wittiest and funniest blogs I have read...I mean who else can write a blog series about bathrooms! ;) Another blogger I have met is Michelle from Bloggrl, her blog is inspirational and clever...I hope that I can take the advice from her blog and make mine even better...the first blog I read on her site was called, "The three little blogs." And I guess we can thank Darren from ProBlogger for that! Yet another cool site.

And I am starting to meet more moms out there who are living in the same crazy world with children! I look forward to meeting more bloggers and moms and dads out there, so if you are new to this site, drop me an email or feel free to leave comments. Just don't spam me, I don't like spammers.

This summer has been filled with many fun toddler moments. My jelly bean started the summer with a rash of tantrums, and we are still having tantrums. ;) We moved from crib to big girl bed. We had a language explosion, hey she can actually say the word dance now! We started potty-training, and we are still potty-training...they say it takes a year, right?

Then what is a summer without controversy? We had the hand-sanitizer warnings...Booty Recall, and then the rash of China-product recalls. It has been a really eventful summer!

Last night, our family ended the summer watching fireworks. After some oooo's and ahhhh's we kissed summer goodbye, and today welcomed the next season with "fall cleaning," what I am a mother!

Happy Labor Day!


Jill said...

Awww THANKS!!!! :-) :-) :-)

Sheri said...

I never thought about the hand sanitizer. Yikes.
I stopped using it when we went chemical free but I still have some laying around. Thanks for mentioning that.
I am so ready for cooler weather! We have been cooped up all summer because of the heat.

Carey said...

Jill - your welcome!

Sheri - I really love fall, it is one of my favorite seasons!