My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

You're hurting my ears!

Tonight on the way home, we listened to our jelly bean sing "Ring-around-the rosey," and it went something like this, ring-a-oun da rosey pocka full horsey ashes ashes we all all don! When we joined in with her singing...she stopped and yelled, "Stop, you're hurting my ears!" Before she turned 2 she loved my singing...oh well.

One thing I know doesn't hurt her ears is this fun pop-up book called My Yummy Treats, by Sue Whiting and Stuart Martin. It is a cute story about a butterfly who doesn't want to share, but realizes that sharing with her friends is more fun. My Aunt bought this book for her, I am not sure where but I did find it at Insect Lore for $12.99. I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Awww! She'll love your singing again, maybe tomorrow. :-) They're fickle that way toddlers. :-) :-) :-) The book looks cute!