My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We don't use those words

My little Jelly Bean was reading a Christmas book on the potty the other day...while I was checking email. And all the sudden...from the bathroom I hear,

"Mommy, you suck!"
I stopped typing...what did I hear? No that isn't possible...I thought.
"Mommmmmyyyy, you suck!"
"Oh no, we don't use those words." as I approached her.
Whispering now, "Mommy you suck."
"Honey, we don't use those words."
"Mommy (pause) you suck."
As I looked down, I realized that she was pointing in her book at a sock, hanging on the fireplace mantel.
"Mommy, you suck."

Embarrassed I replied, "Oh, you mean, 'Mommy, your sock.' Yes honey, my sock."

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11 comments: said...


Unknown said...

That is tooo funny!!

My husband is from Harrisburg, PA. He was born there and a lot of his family still lives out that way!

Take care!

Heather said...

Hee, hee, hee. Now that she got such a reaction out of the "suck" part, she'll really start saying it!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! I can just see your expression when she said that! Keena

April said...

That is a classic!! My five year old just pointed to his testicles and wants to know what it is!? I don't even know what it's for!! LOL

MB said...

Wait till she says it and means it! That will be when she is 13 and wants to date! ;)

Unknown said...

Oh, my sides hurt! And I had to explain why there are tears running down my face! I apparently really needed a laugh...

Carey said...

This entertainment is priceless! Glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did. ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG that is hilarious!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Love it - a friend of mines child struggld to stay 'truck' properly for a few years. It was like a real life Benny Hill skit there for a while :)

Carey said...

Yes, we have heard that one too! ;)