My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Purrrfect Traditions

We have traditions that we enjoy over the holiday going to cut down our Christmas tree from a local tree farm (who by the way plants 3 for every 1 cut down.) To making cookies as a family...this year should be interesting with Jelly bean's help. But one that I have been doing longer than any of tormenting my cat. (Before you call the pet authorities or is all in good fun, and kitty doesn't get hurt...well, other than his ego.)

Every Christmas we break out the kitty antlers and to be honest, I think he actually enjoys the attention (regardless of his facial reaction.)

The first year we started the fun, he (or maybe I did it) pulled off the elastic that attaches to his head...Unlucky for him, I do know how to sew.

I really think these pictures speak for themselves, but can't you just hear him saying..."Once I get these things off..." or "I am plotting your destruction as we speak."

We love our kitty...

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Sheri said...

He is cute. It looks like he thinks it a toy and did enjoy it. lol

Jill said...

Hey wait! No picture of it on his head?????? Very cute! :-)

Carey said...

Darn cat wouldn't hold still! I swear he looks forward to it every year! LOL!