My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Yes, I am blushing...

When you get a chance, stop over at Mamaland on the Central Penn Parent website. Mamaland Blogger Shawn is highlighting Pennsylvania bloggers...with a glimpse of who they are and why they blog. And lucky me, I was the first!

And if you are a Pennsylvania Blogger, drop Shawn an email and your URL. Maybe you'll be the next lucky blogger to appear on the Central Penn website.

Thanks Shawn for highlighting Parenting Tales...

Don't forget to vote on my new lay-out on the right side bar, labeled Mirror Mirror. This is your chance to vote...make your voice heard!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being selected - and in particular being first.

I'm off to check it out right this instant

Carey said...


Jill said...
