My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Something different today...

This week I am changing it up a bit, instead of my usual Weekend Steals and Deals, I am going to leave you with something thought provoking...

Like many, I do enjoy following the usual celebrity gossip and happenings, but don't often comment on it...but for some reason the recent death of Heath Ledger has been really weighing heavy on me. I am drawn to this tragedy for one simple reason, he is a father.

We may not know him personally, but the story about his death is a horror in any parents eyes. On one hand his parents have lost their son and on the other hand his daughter has lost her father. What we do know is, Heath was a young man and father who had a full life in front of him, and now he will miss watching his daughter grow up. And even worse, at the young age of 2, his daughter will have little memory of him.

Treat each day as it were your last, because tomorrow may never come...hug your child(ren) and let them know how much you love them.

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Sheri said...

Those were my exact thoughts the other day. It breaks my heart that his daughter will not remember him and she will have to grow up without him. What a tragedy. well said.

Unknown said...

So true...thanks for the reminder. said...

Seeing a photo of him with his 2yo daughter just broke my heart.

This is a beautiful reminder.