Too cute!!!!! If she were Jewish she could wear it to a Purim parade in the spring! :-) Actually, she could wear it to a Purim parade without being Jewish, she'd just be more likely to be attending a Purim parade if she were... :-) :-) :-)
once upon a time there was a mother (me), a father (hubby), a toddler (jelly-bean), and a fat cat (tobee) living a somewhat ordinary life. everyday we stumble our way through working an 8-5 job, raising an ambitious toddler 24-7 and at the same time attempting to live our lives vicariously through each other. welcome to our journey of parenting tales.
What a trend setter! Nice mask and crown... someone super cool and hip must have given them to JB!! ;)
Too cute!!!!! If she were Jewish she could wear it to a Purim parade in the spring! :-) Actually, she could wear it to a Purim parade without being Jewish, she'd just be more likely to be attending a Purim parade if she were... :-) :-) :-)
One of the most amazing things about kids is their ability to pull of any set of clothes and make them look good.
Myself - I can do the opposite and make all clothes look like crap :)
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