My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My little back seat driver

"Slow down mommy. Slow down!"

"Whoa, Mommy. Careful."

"Go Mommy."

"Two hands on da wheel."

"Turn 'round mommy."

"Stop mommy!"

I like to think of myself as a safe daughter has another opinion.

6 comments: said...

Hey! Nice to "meet" another Cumberland County mommy-blogger!

Great interview on Central Penn Parents, btw.

If you're ever in Barnes and Noble, Camp Hill on a Friday or Saturday night, look for me. I work there, usually in the kids' department.

We can talk blogs.

Carey said...

Hi Jozet...Barnes and Noble is a very dangerous place for me...LOL!

Jill said...

TOO CUTE!!! Mine always says, "It's not safe to talk on the cell phone while you drive!"

Carey said...

I am waiting for that! LOL!

Shawn said...

Ha -- I know I will produce one or two of these myself! I love it.

Kellan said...

She is a girl after my own heart. I can't help it - I'm a back seat driver as well. This was adorable.

Hi, I'm Kellan - nice to meet you.