My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My child has been infected by the "Why?" virus...

It has happened, it has finally happened, the dreaded three letter word has surfaced. It is the word that no matter how you explain it, they still ask it.

Symptom Checker: Here is an example conversation about the sky..."Mommy, what's that?" "It's the sky." "Why?" "Because that is what it is called." "Why?" "Because some astrologist named it that." "Why?" "Oh, look it is the kitty." "Why?" "Hi, kitty." "Why is he a kitty?" "Because God made him a kitty." "Why?" "Because he is a kitty." "Why?" "Are you asking to know or just to say why?" "Heehee, Why?"

Beware of other 2-year-olds exhibiting the behavior of the "Why?" syndrome, get them treated immediately by Googling the answers to all their questions. Do not be discouraged, they will continue to ask why, until it is no longer a thrill. And remember to answer wisely, as they are little sponges soaking up every bit of information that they can get their hands on...Listen up people, these toddlers are our future doctors, lawyers and actors...this must be treated very seriously.


MB said...

And here all my Bug says is "What's that?" all the time and it is the same fence, grocery store, and mechanic every time. Sometime I think that she likes to just point out the car window at nothing in particular and ask, "what's that?". My answer, "I can't see, honey, what is that?" and the usual response is, "Hmm, hmm, hmm... What's that, Mommy?" to something new!

Carey said...

LOL! You just wait, "Why" is next!

MB said...

Why is that??

Carey said...

Because I said so, that is why! LOL!
Suddenly I feel like my mother.

Shawn said...

LOL -- In journalism, Why is the Number One question to ask, but often isn't so I have a soft spot for the question.

Still, I can definately see getting frustrated after a few dozen Whys. I wonder if my girls will both catch that bug?

Carey said...

Yes, Who, What, When and Why! I think every child gets the Why virus...but sometimes I think they ask to ask, not always listening to the answer. But then again, that may just be my child! LOL!