My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Who's on Second?

Conversations with a two-year old...

Me: (On the phone with my Aunt) "She is going to be a cow-girl for Halloween."

Jelly-bean "No! I be a horse."

Me: (Still on the Phone, now talking to Jelly-bean) "Horse? No, your costume is a cow-girl costume, you can carry your stick horse."

Jelly-bean "No, I be a horse."

Me: (Still on the Phone, talking to my Aunt) "Yes, now she says she will be a horse."

Jelly-bean "You a cow-gurl mommy. I a horse."

Me: (Still on the Phone, talking to Jelly-bean) "Ok, you be the horse and I'll be the cow-girl."

Jelly-bean "No, I cow-gurl, you horse!"

Me: (Still on the Phone with laughing Aunt) "Yes. She will now be a cow-girl."

Happy Halloween!

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