This week is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. During NLPP week, parents are encouraged to get their children screened for lead. Several local Health agencies around the country are offering free testing, and after the latest rash of recalls, the low-percentage of children (20% of 1-2 year olds get tested annually) will more than likely sky-rocket.
Even though we have focused much of our anger on Toy companies and products being imported from other countries, the fact remains, lead is a metal and it is in our environment. Houses built before 1978 can also have lead can also be found in the Earth's ground. But before you fly yourself to the moon to get away from this madness, remember, the chances of you or your family being exposed to lead is still reasonably low. To alleviate your fears, get tested, know the results. Check out the CDC's webpage on lead or PA Health's webpage.
Know the facts and get tested.
When we went for Grace's last check up they did blood tests. I thought that would have included the lead test. So I called and they said they don't do a regular lead check. Which is very suprising. It should be tested. Or at least offer.
hmmm. That is interesting. You would think?
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