My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kids say the darndest things...

Hubby and I have been working on convincing our jelly-bean that she doesn't need her "binky" anymore. Similar to Jill's pacifier fears mentioned in the comment section from Weekend Steals and Deals...we have this ongoing fear that she will roll-over in bed to kiss her future hubby goodnight and bash her binky into his mouth -- so much for romance!

Thankfully, jelly-bean only uses it at night...but hubby is concerned that it could damage her teeth. I worry that we are in the midst of potty-training and I certainly don't want to throw any hurdles in the way of that. So, we are trying to be delicate with the situation.

My thoughts were we would buy her something in place of the a baby doll. With this thought I said, "Maybe Santa will bring you a doll if you leave your binky for him." Jelly-bean's reply "yeah."

Later in the car on the way to work, jelly-bean says, "Santa coming mama, he bring baby (long pause) I keep binky." So close!


Jill said...

My seventh grader STILL has the teddy bear we replaced the pacifier with!

Carey said...

Teddy Bear seems better than a pacifier...I don't know! LOL!

Anonymous said...

She's a little bird...I guess I'm lucky that Ian isn't that into his binky. It gets in the way when he's trying to put anything and everything in his mouth!

Carey said...

You're lucky! Cause once they start, they can't stop! ;)

Anonymous said...

My little princess just started requesting her paci. She never paid much mind to it until now and I was just getting ready to wean her off of it. Buying a baby doll to replace it is a great idea. I think I'll give that a shot. :-)