My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I See Green

The internet is such a wonderful thing, for us shop-a-holics! Ok, so my rationale is that makes it ok, right? Seriously, I love these bags! They are stylish and...hmm...recyclable! These cute bags make great little lunch bags for our little girls, nieces, cousins, friends kids, next door neighbor kids and so on.

School is starting in less than a month! And hey, Christmas is less than 6 months away!

I personally own one of these bags made out of recycled rice and feed bags. Who says you need to carry a bulky diaper bag? This bag is perfect size to carry diapers, wipes and some of your tots crayons and coloring books. And you look cool carrying it...or so I like to think.

Kudos to these enviro-friendly bags!


RPHMOM said...

Those are so cute! I think I will have to get one of each. Mommy needs a new lunch bag!

Carey said...

My fav is the lady bug lunch bag...too cute!