My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Burn, Baby, Burn

No pain, no gain right? UGH! Losing these last 10 lbs of "baby weight" is virtually impossible! Yes, even after 25 months, I am still calling it baby doesn't become my official weight until I get pregnant again, right?

I am trying to eat less, eat right and walk while attempting Pilate's (not at the same time...that would take a lot of coordination). Baby steps, right? Speaking of steps, I found this cool stroller pedometer. This is a great way to keep track of steps while taking neighborhood walks with my girl...or other excursions. As long as she wants to stay in the stroller.

I am definitely adding it to my Target (Tar-jay) shopping list.


RPHMOM said...

I might have to get one of these..any excuse to go to "Tar-jay" works for me! :)

Carey said...

And after we buy it, we can hook it up and stroll through tar-jay! hee hee. I just love Target!