My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolutions - Shmesolutions

I am not one for New Years Resolutions...Losing weight, swearing less, eating more healthy, saving money...whatever it is, for me, it is bound to fail.

So as I take down the Christmas decorations and relish in all the fun we had this past holiday, I look forward to a new year with new beginnings, filled with more joy and laughter. Not a resolution but my hope for a better year.

And Jelly Bean finally slept through the night (New Years Eve) which is only a promise of a better year ahead!

Happy New Year!


Abbysmom059 said...

Carrie!!! I have missed you oh so much! We must must get together for a playdate...yes you read right, Gaylan and I had a baby girl in August, she's adorable, hope all is well with Dan and you, I'll drop you an email and update you on everything else that is going on!!

Samantha (peck) Carl

Jill said...

Happy New Year & congrats on the full night of rest!