My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Monday, November 12, 2007

We are making progress

Potty Update: Today was a grand day...a moment that every parent dreams was the day the poop fell into the potty! Ok, little gross...but really. She did it, Jelly bean pooped on the potty all on her own.

We are making progress! Hooray!


Shawn said...

That's great news!! Congrats. So ... she won't be in college wearing diapers then. : ) said...

That's fabulous! Wow! Pooping in the potty is one step closer to no more diapers!

Carey said...

Shawn, Ah yes, no diapers to buy for college, now if only we can break her of the "binky!"

Baby steps...

Jozet, (I am still doing the snoopy dance) !