My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Weekend Steals and Deals

I love the holidays...they are perfect times to show your creative side and let the little kid come out.

If you are having a pumpkin patch party or maybe just a neighborhood get together, this Jack o' lantern pinata is sure to bring smiles to the kids faces. And it is super easy to make. Besides, even if you don't have a party or kids, what a cute decoration!

Another really cool and super yummy treat are these pumpkins tortillas, yummy with some homemade salsa or guacamole dip. Another idea, is to create fall or scary shapes with graham crackers, I did this for my daughter's day care party last year...too cute!

Here is how:

Place one cracker (preferably broken in half) on a microwaveable plate and heat for approximately 6 seconds (maybe slightly less or more, depending on your microwave), then take a cookie cutter (metal works best) and press down on graham crackers. And presto! You can decorate with icing or just serve them up plain. Sometimes this takes a few tries to get it down.

I love luminaries at Christmas time, so why not have them at Halloween too? These great ghost luminaries are a perfect addition to a porch or driveway. And what is great you can use holiday lights or battery powered lights to keep a safe luminary glow.

Ok, one more just 'cause I couldn't resist...Who says your kids are the only ones who can decorate a pumpkin this time of year? These cute gourds will add something different to your decorations this year!

Please share your Halloween crafty ideas!

Happy Weekend!


Anonymous said...

These are great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Those are very clever ideas. I think I might try the milk jug ghost for Ian! :)

Carey said...

Thanks! I just realized today that I posted this, this morning, thinking it was Friday...oh boy - it has been one of those weeks! Happy Weekend everyone!

OhTheJoys said...

I used to be crafty. Now? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

This is the one time of year that bums me out that I am an Aussie.
Halloween is just not celebrated here, apart from maybe one group of kids out to get some lollies, so we just miss out completely.
So now fair......